Information About This Data

Submitted by David "Buzz" Asselmeier, Jr.

The information presented here was obtained from the document "The Translated Statistics from the German Language to the English Language of St. John United Church of Christ (Evangelical and Reformed) – Maeystown, Illinois" which was compiled by Gloria Bundy. This document consists of separate lists for baptisms, marriages, confirmations and deaths. Sections on parish regulations, visits to the sick and shut-in, members who signed after the first Constitution, the annals of the congregation and communion records have not been included. As time (and other people's desires) permit, I may tackle these subject also.

I have no knowledge of what happened to this document after it was compiled by Gloria. My father showed me a copy he had when I was looking at more information on our ancestors from Maeystown. Once I saw this document I knew it would not only be a help for myself, but with some work and my computer skills, it could be a help for many others doing research. Gloria and the others she mentioned who helped her compile this information are truly the ones who did the work. My addition to the work was to type the data into a database where it can be searched and sorted in a variety of ways and presented as data on the internet. I hope I am keeping the same spirit as espoused below by Gloria in the document.

This book was complied with extreme joy and care as a project that had to be done by someone before the valuable information of our forefathers and the founders of this congregation is lost in the deterioration of the original Register and in the difficulty of finding someone who can yet read and translate the German script, used to inscribe the vital statistics in our Church Register from the beginning of the church's history until the mid 1930's.

It is my hope that the photo-copy book will be put away for safe keeping so somewhere our records will always be in good condition and that this book of typed pages will be the one that will be used for research. The original books should still be the ones used for official document research.

- Gloria Bundy, August 10, 1979