Misc. Newspaper Articles and Tidbits of News

Waterloo Republican 1905

Waterloo Republican - January 31, 1906

The Wenkel Telephone Co., organized last Wednesday eve by electing the following officers:  Jasper Kruse, President; Wm. Wenkel, Vice President; John Wenkel, Barthel Schlegel, and George J. Mosbacher directors.  Several of the Rural Telephone lines will combine and will install a switch board n the Vogt Building on Main St. in the rear of Ferdinand Fiege's barber shop. 


Waterloo Republican - January 31, 1906

Miss Emma Dotzaner the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dotzaner celebrated her 15th birthday on Wednesday eveing Jan. 24.  A large crowd of friends and neighbors were present to take part in the celebration.  Those present were: Martin Mosbacher and family, Missess Maggie and Lizzie Eckert, Setta Wilde, Messrs, John and Adam Eckert, Louis Ries, Emil Frierdich, Paul Wilde, Adam Eckert and John Brellinger, Jr.


Waterloo Republican - January 31, 1906

The Farers Union convened at Chester, Ill., on Jan 25, 26 and 27th, Monroe County was represented by Edward Schmidt.  It has been decided that all farmers should, necessarily be organized and steps will be taken to that effect.  Monroe Co. will be canvassed by organizer, Edward Schmidt.


Waterloo Republican - January 31, 1906


Spring weather prevails here.  Very sloppy roads.

The rain and sleet has stopped the work on the levee for some time.

Ernst Bange is on the sick list.

Frank Coerver Jr. from St. Louis is visiting his parents.

The Modern Woodman Camp No. 3198 held their regular meeting Saturday and installed the following officers.

Consul  henry Volhardt, Banker Louis Kettler, Clerk Edward Meagher J., Escort Henry C. Niemann, Advisor Charles Meyer, Chief Forester Emil Underseh, Guard Lenard Schweickhardt.

The Mutual Protective League will have their next regular meeting Saturday when they will install their officers:

President Jacob Kohnz, Vice President Wm. Mosbacher, Secretary Wm. F. Jaenke, Treasurer Charles Floerke, Chaplain Ernst Bange, Usher Herman Thiele, Guard Wash Osborn, Sentinel John Laub


Waterloo Republican - January 31, 1906


Emil Goeddel from St. Louis was a visitor over here last week.

Gus. C. Goeddel and wife took a sleigh ride to Waterloo one day last week.

We are informed that Peter Reheis has bought the farm that was formerly owned by Mr. Juggler.

A snow blizzard swept through this part of country last Sunday night, which did considerable good for the wheat.

Charles Crook and August Goeddel gave Burksvill a call last Wednesday and in the evening they had a little dance at Mr. Crook's which the boys reported a good time.


Waterloo Republican - February 7, 1906

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hellmer are sorrowing over the death of their little baby.  The child was buried at Waterloo Monday.  We tender the bereaved parents our sympathy.


Waterloo Republican - February 7, 1906


Walter Franklin is on the sick list now with a severe cold.

Mr. and Mrs. James Mathews have returned from their trip south.

Mrs. Caroline Fults of Fults spent the past week here with relatives.

Mrs. Orst and son George visited Miss Rook and other friends last Sunday.

Mr. Sensel passed through town enroute to McBride's with this daughter Laura.

Messrs. Morrison, J. M. Burhardt and Dr. Douglas attended the funeral of Mr. H. Druse Saturday from here.

The sun was shining "Ground Hog day" so they went back into their holes to take another nap and winter set in with a deep snow Sunday.

Two new arrivals in our midst since last writing.  A little boy at the home of Henry Studt and Henry Stricker, both are doubly welcome, as their other children were girls.

Grandma Larkin had a birthday celebration in which most of her relatives were present, two sons and a daughter coming from St. Louis and her son with his wife and little boy from Chester.

Mrs. G. W. Franklin was called to Willisville last week, to the bedside of her daughter Mrs. Jessie Wright who was quite sick.  She took Lizzie and Albert with her, Mr. Franklin and Harry going later but all returned last Saturday leaving Mrs. Wright better.


Waterloo Republican - February 7, 1906

Louis Ries celebrated his 18th birthday.  Those present were: Jno, and Adam Eckert, Fred Dotzaner, Paul Wilde, Wm Reger, Fred Riebeling, John and Edward Schack, Misses Lulu Mosbacher, Ida Schack, Rose and Emma Dotzaner, John Brellinger Jr. furnished the music.


Waterloo Republican - April 4, 1906

The confirmation class of St. Paul's Evangelical Church was publicly examined Sunday.  The church was nicely decorated with ferns and other potted plants and presented a beautiful appearance.  The class under the tutelage of Rev. G. Dornenburg acquitted itself most creditably and showed the labors of their pastor.  The following persons composed the class: Lee Dunfield, Karl Reichenbach, Arthur Carle, Aug. Volkert, Elmer Stumpf, Arthur Dotzaner, Karl Baner, Harry Hoepfinger, George Riebeling, Bertha Acker, Anna Baner, Wilhelmina Metter, Elsa Weinel, Ida Eckert, Mathilda Harres, Franziska Bergmann, Alma Brucker, Katherina Zahn, Louise Gummersheimer, Frederica Bergmann, Laura Riechenbach, Lydia Dahmer, Minnie Roeber, Adelia Dabb, Emma Henfling, Maria Raithel, Amanda Becker and Minnie Stemmler.


Waterloo Republican - April 4, 1906


George Wm. Miller, Wm. Fred Meyer, Henry H. Keane, Albert H. Coerver, Arnold A. Vogt, Bernard Slevers, Frank Vogt, John Joseph Miller, Bernard Jung, Xavier Haberl, Wilhelmina Frances, Rosemann, Mary Anne Eisenhauer, Viola Anne Nixon, Margaretha A. Brauch, Emma B. Rick, Cecelia Louise Brinkmann, Catherina Clara, Vogt, Mary Magdalena Bertram, Bertha Magdalena Toenjes, Elizabeth Frances Kleyer, Catherina Johanna Janson, Frederica Mary Oexner, Anna Jaeger, Catherina Theresia Jung, Helena Mary Marquadt.  Confirmation on the 24th inst.


May 1906 - Waterloo Republican

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bergen residing at the Cement Mill celebrated their tin wedding last Saturday night.  Over one hundred friends and neighbors from Sugar loaf were present and enjoyed their hospitality.

May 1906 - Waterloo Republican

A meeting of the stockholders of the Valmeyer Milling Company was held at this place Monday.  The following officers were elected:  Pres., Jos, F. Meyer; Vice-Pres., Frank Meyer; Sec and Treas., Adam Hoffmann Jr., Directors, A. Hoffmann Jr., J. F. Meyer, Peter Pflasterer St., Frank Meyer, Herman Rump, Philip Stemmler, H. C. Niemann.  Construction work has started and the mill will be in operation in about ninety days.

June 6, 1906 - Waterloo Republican

J. D. Offermann  Katie Wild
Chas Wies-Celia Coerver

June 6, 1906 - Waterloo Republican

In the matter of Mr. Reemes and others who desired to have their lands detached from the Randolph County district and annexed to the Brickey school in Monroe County Judge Bollinger decided in favor of annexing to Monroe.
Superintendent Mudd of Randolph and Superintendent Mudd of Randolph and Superintendent Eisenhart of Monroe wrestle with the case all of last Friday, with the above result.

June 6, 1906 - Waterloo Republican

Miss Celia Coerver was married to Mr. Charles Weis Tuesday morning in the Catholic church of this city, Father Krewet officiating.
The estimable bride is a daughter of the late John Coerver, the groom a son Leopold Weis.
Many friends extend best wishes to the young couple.


June 6, 1906 - Waterloo Republican

Miss Catherine Wild was quietly married to Mr. John Offermann June 4th by Rev. E. J. Hosto at the residence of the bride's mother Mrs. Elizabeth Wild near Burksville.  Mr. Henry Wild and Miss Amanda Case were their best friends. The young couple will have their home at the groom's parents to assist the in farming on the Langs place.

August 29, 1906 - Waterloo Republican

A child of C. Metzger of Bixby died on Monday.

Louis Siemens of St. Louis visited his old home Columbia Sunday.

Jacob J. Koenigsmark and wife of Waterloo spent Monday evening in Columbia/

Mrs. Emily Kunz visisted her daughter Mrs. Jos. Weisenstein at Belleville this week.

Mr. Albert Knefelkamp and daughter Ester are here visiting Mrs. R. P. Briegel.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Straub of Maeystown were here Sunday the guests of Louis Ritter and family.

Miss Pearl Reichenbach of Centralia, Ill., is here on a visit to her relatives the Reichenbach family.

Edwin Meyer with the Carleton Dry Goods Co., of St. Louis spent Sunday at home with his parents.

Miss Lily Bayer of St. Louis spent Sunday at home with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Grieshammer.

Gus Brand of East St. Louis, Ill., spent Sunday here visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Christian Schmidt.

Ernst Bange of Harrisonville was here on business Tuesday.  Mr. Bange says that fall work is progressing nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Aug. J. Schmidt of St. Louis are spending a week with Columbia relatives.  This is Mr. Schmidt's vacation.

Chas. Tunze residing near Fish Lake will have a sale of personal property at his place, the Lambrecht farm on Saturday Sept. 8, 1906

Work in brick laying was begun on the new home of Lorenz A. Vogt on Main St., Mr. Vogt will have a fine home when completed.

Jos. H. Hellmer will open the Shoemaker School on Monday, Sept 3.  Mr. Hellmer hopes to have a good attendance from the first day.

Mr. and Mrs. George Schoening, Theobald Schneider and family attended the funeral of a child of Herman Schneider at East St. Louis Sunday.

August 29, 1906 - Waterloo Republican

Edward and Wm Stahlheber of St. Louis were here on a visit Sunday.

Miss Katie Lieser of Columbia spent several days with the family of Dr. Heidelberg.

The annual Missionsfest of the St. Mark's Evangelical Church in Round Prairie was held last Sunday and was well attended.

The Misses Clara and Lulu Wolff of St. Louis returned home Sunday after spending a week with their uncle John Keller and family.

Street Superintendent John Kommler has a number of men removing grass and weeds from the streets which adds to the general appearance of our village.

Our schools opens next week.  It is highly important that parents send their children regularly from the beginning if they expect them to progress in their studies.

August 29, 1906 - Waterloo Republican

Married at the home of the bride Mr. Henry Feldmeier of Chalfin Bridge and Miss Mary Hoffmann, Mr. Feldmeier is a son of ex Sheriff Feldmeier and Miss Hoffmann the eldest daughter of Mr. John Hoffmann of near Maeystown, Ill.

Waterloo Republican - November 7, 1906


Miss Emma Heusohn was married to Mr. John Langsdorf Sunday at the residence of Mrs. Illert in Waterloo.

The Bride is a daughter of Mr. F. Heusohn near Harrisonville, and the groom a prominent young man of Bluff.


Waterloo Republican - November 7, 1906

Silver Wedding

The twenty fifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Knapp was celebrated in a splendid manner Saturday evening in Bickelhaupts Hall.

There were 360 guests and all enjoyed the evening very much.  Mrs. Knapp is president of the Hay Seeds a social club which attended in a body, and which is well known for the splendid entertainment which it always provides.

Dancing was indulged in by the young folks, and many of the elders were not averse to again asserting youth and pleasures.

A sumptuous supper was served the guests, and one and all joined in declaring the eveng a most delightful success.

One of the features was old time dance music with which the younger people are not familiar. During that period the young folks became wall flowers but enjoyed the mazes of the elders hugely.

In a becoming address Deputy County Clerk Jackson presented the silver offerings which were profuse.

Music was furnished by Alderman Lutz, assisted by his daughter Amanda and son Morris.  Quite a number of others also assisted in the entertainement.


Waterloo Republican -November 7, 1906

Marriage License

Dan Harbaugh – Alice M. Woodcock

Arthur Krite – Frieda Bremser

A. C. W. Hoffman – Mamie Schad

Hy Schmidt – Katharien Zeiger

John Langsdorf – Emma Heusohn

Geo Keller – Mary Trenz

C. F. Straub – Louise Weltig