Picture and data submitted by Nancy J. (Lutz) Heath

Birth and Death listed in: Deaths Listed in Waterloo Area 1825-1937

John Lutz was born 6 Nov 1839 in Waterloo, Monroe, Illinois He died: 18 Aug 1921 in Waterloo, Monroe, Illinois at the age of 81 years, 9

months and 12 days . Buried Waterloo Cemetery.


Marriage, Church Record in German language:  Evang. St. Paul's Gemeinde of Waterloo, Monroe, Co, Ills.; John Lutz & Margaretha Hettinger, 14 July 1863.



MARRIAGE   Newspaper article from "The Waterloo Times" -50th anniversary (July 18, 1913)- 11 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren. Present at anniversary : Henry Hettinger of St. Louis


John married Margaretha Hettinger, daughter of Henry Hettinger and Cath.Risler (Kisler?), on 14 Jul 1863 at Evangelical St. Paul's Church.  Margaretha was born on 2 Oct 1843 in Hesse Darmstadt, Prussia.  She died on 6 Nov 1915 in Monroe, Waterloo, Illinois and was buried on 8 Nov 1915 in Waterloo Cemetery.     


John Hettinger of Waterloo (Brothers of Mrs.Lutz) Mrs. George Lutz of Waterloo (George was brother of John Lutz)


Mr. John Lutz served as Alderman for 18 years in city of Waterloo 73 yrs. of age at anniversary (1913)

Mrs. Lutz, 69 yrs. at anniversary.



Newspaper article from: The Waterloo Times, Friday, August 19, 1921


Just as we go to press, the death of Mr. John Lutz, one of our oldest and highly respected citizens is announced.  He died Thursday morning at 1:25, aged 81 years, at the home of his son Andrews in this city.   His remains will be laid to rest Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock.  Burial

will take place in the Waterloo cemetery.  Obituary next week.



Newspaper article from: Waterloo Times, Waterloo, Illinois, August 26, 1921


John Lutz, one of our old and highly respected citizens, passed to his reward early last Thursday morning after a lingering illness at the home of his son Andrew, at the age of 81 years, 9 months and 12 days.


Deceased was born in Monroe country, southwest of the city, and made his home here, ever since he was a small boy.  After arriving at manhood's estate he ventured into the cooperage business in Waterloo with his brother George and H. Schroeder.  Later they sold out and he went to work in the cooper shop of the Chouteau & Edwards flour mill where he worked for some years and later ventured into the saloon business.  He tired of this, however, long before the advent of prohibition, and opened up a shop for the sale of ammunition and hunters' supplies and did gun, rifle and revolver repairing as well as locksmith work.  He was an expert at his trade and always had work on hand.


He was married on July 14, 1863, to Miss Margaretha Hettinger.  Pastor Steiner of St. Paul's Evangelical church officiating.  Of this union four children were born and are surviving him: one daughter, Mrs. Catharine Pavitt of St. Louis, and three sons, Andrew of this city, George and Henry of St. Louis.  There are also 11 grandchildren and 8 great grand-children.


Mr. and Mrs. Lutz celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1913.  His wife preceded him in death two years later.  Since which time he has been making his home with his son Andrew.


In politics, Mr. Lutz was a staunch Democrat and always voted his ticket straight.  He served as an Alderman in the first ward of our city for four or five terms, and during his long residence in Waterloo, he never moved out of this ward though he changed residences several times during that period.


His remains were laid to rest beside those of his wife in the Waterloo cemetery last Saturday afternoon, and his funeral was largely attended by sympathizing relatives and friends who came to pay their last respects to his memory. 


Rev. Brink of St. Paul's Evangelical church officiated at the funeral and made an eloquent address.


May his sleep be peaceful and calm.


Waterloo Times, Waterloo, Illinois, July 18, 1913, V. Dalkert, Editor and

Proprietor (transcribed from a crumbling newspaper).



An Aged Waterloo Couple Agreeable Surprised.


Mr. and Mrs. John Lutz celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home in this city Sunday with a family re-union of their children, grand-children and great-grand children.


The celebration had been carefully planned on the quiet by the children and came as a complete surprise to the old people.


Verses of congratulations were read to the parents by each child.  A substantial present in gold coin was tendered the old couple, after which a bounteous repast was spread to which all did ample justice.


This venerable couple was married by Pastor Steinert of the Evangelical St. Paul's church in this city on July 14, 1863, and have resided in Waterloo continuously since.


Four children, Mrs. Katie Theler of St. Louis, Andrew Lutz of this city, George and Henry Lutz of St. Louis, also eleven grand-children and two great-grand children, were present to attend the celebration, as was also Henry Hettinger of St. Louis and John Hettinger of this city, brothers of Mrs. Lutz, and Mrs. Geo. Lutz of this city.


A remarkable feature of this couple's long journey through life's pathway is, that so far no death has as yet occurred in the family.


Mr. Lutz has been engaged in various pursuits during the many years he has resided here, and served the City of Waterloo in the capacity of Alderman for eighteen years.  That he was faithful to the interests of the city was exemplified by the regularity in which his constituents returned him to office.


Mr. Lutz is now 73 years of age and is still hale and hearty.  In fact, he indulges in frequent hunting trips, being a confirmed sportsman, and can yet out-walk and out-work many men who are years his junior.


Mrs. Lutz is 69 years of age and has not been enjoying the best of health here lately, yet she made merry with the party and surely enjoyed the celebration.  She is a good motherly soul who is worshipped by her many friends for her kindly ways and every ready disposition to lend assistance wherever and whenever the same is needed.


Many Waterloo friends stopped off during the day to extend congratulations.  The old couple also received many cards of congratulation and well wishes by mail from out-of-town friends.


The many friends of this venerable couple unite with the Times in wishing them many more such happy re-unions and hope they will live to celebrate their diamond wedding.


At time of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, they had 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.



My father was Elmer John Lutz, born in St. Louis, MO.

His father, Henry Carl Lutz was born in Waterloo, Monroe, IL and migrated to St. Louis.

John Lutz was Henry Carl's father.


I am hopeful of finding the parents of John Lutz.  If anyone has any information, please contact me at:  [email protected]


Many thanks!


Nancy J. (Lutz) Heath